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sparq is bright ideas Let there be light all about KNOWING YOUR BRAND Lets go for a walk is to in your shoes walk for miles BRAND DEVELOPMENT Time for a roadtrip is a JOURNEY

who is sparq

We are a glocal brand design agency and the name sparq is a brand in itself. It is what clients ask of us. A spark. A fire-starter that would ignite their brand, be it a start-up at it’s infancy or an aging brand in need of a refresh.

We at sparq believe that a company’s most important spokesperson is its brand because it can tell the consumer how serious it is in doing its business. And a brand is more than just logo design, packaging design or social media. It is all of these and more.

But don’t let us tell you how important branding is, we are sure the watch you wear, the shoes you walk in, your computer at home, the jeans you wear, the car you drive, the perfume… We think you get the picture. Who better to develop your brand than a glocal brand design agency?

what we do

sparq offers a wide range of design services, from branding to advertising and everything in-between. We practice ‘glocal’ design, i.e. we want to make local brands dream big and win big. We don’t just design your brand, we ignite it.




graphic design

illustrations & concept design

social media management

copywriting & proofreading

our works

advertising design

multimedia design


get in touch

Go ahead,
give us a call,
we won’t bite…

Talk to our Creative Director at +012 7040 347

Better yet, send us an email at [email protected]

If you’d like to meet us & talk branding,
we are at:

121-01, Jalan Mutiara Emas 2A,
Taman Mount Austin,
81100 Johor Bahru
Johor, Malaysia

but do give us a call for an appointment first

FREE CONSULTATION because we are really , really nice people
Upload your current logo/ brand below, and we’ll tell you what we think, and how you can make your brand better, all for free.

yeah, we know… cool right?

Just what is GLOCAL DESIGN?

With the world become more globalised, opportunities for your brand to ‘go places’ will present themselves more frequently. If your brand, product or service is unique enough and is well marketed, chances are there will be a demand in other markets.

Some brands, however, make the mistake of being too local in the way they present themselves, either through collaterals, media or advertising. This is because they would obviously want to be recognised, grow and gain a foothold in the local market before embarking to neighbouring markets and beyond.

As they expand further and further away, they would realize that the harder they would have to market their brand, and more resources have to be poured into this exercise.

Glocal Design is the art of balancing the brand identity between being local and recognisable as well as being ‘broad’ enough to be accepted as a brand anywhere around the world. It certainly will not eliminate marketing altogether, but makes the job that much more easier.

A good example of being ‘glocal’ are fast food restaurants like McDonalds and KFC, where they would include 1 or more local dishes, flavours and/or cooking methods to create a bridge between their more global brand and the palatte of local communities.